Sensei Claudio Baldo has been teaching Armonk area children and adults a traditional form of karate since 1997 called Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do. He holds a Roku-Dan (sixth degree black belt) in the Shobukan, an international organization in Okinawa, Japan. Sensei Baldo also holds the rank of San-Dan (3rd degree black belt) in Matayoshi Kobudo, the art of traditional weapons. Previously, he instructed and trained under Sensei Frank DeRaffele at the Westchester Shobukan (East Asian Martial Arts Center) in Scarsdale, NY.
Sensei has traveled to Okinawa, the birthplace of Karate, to train directly under the masters of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do. This experience has helped develop his technical and spiritual growth in his karate training. He maintains a personal relationship with the masters so lineage will never be lost and direct ties to Chojun Miyagi (founder of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-Do) will never be severed.
Sensei Baldo is excited about being able to provide Armonk area residents the opportunity to train in the Martial Arts. Karate teaches self-defense, as well as the 12 principles and values so that young students will demonstrate self-control and increased self-confidence. In developing the mind, body & spirit, Sensei's programs will give children & adults a strong foundation for being the best well-rounded karataka (karate student) and person they can be.
For those students who wish to pursue karate beyond their Green Belt, often after 6th grade, Sensei offers a mentorship program.
Those with the discipline to attain their Brown or Black belts, are invited to join as an assistant in the Junior classes. They develop important leadership skills and gain valuable life lessons while they grow as students all while becoming valuable role models to the younger students.